Friday, April 20, 2012

With regard to titles

Not in general; just mine.

As I attempt to edit out my next novel by June, my perpetually procrastinatory brain likes to throw every possible distraction.  Frieditors will already know that I have changed around the title of the Redemption project a few times. I've had a few titles related to the island, the name of the island, the translated name of the island, then Redemption, then (for a few days) it was Beyond Redemption, and now I am thinking I may change it again.

I wear out titles like socks.  They start feeling old to me, so I change them.  I didn't even title the Waldgrave books (<--that is what I had been calling it since it was written, circa I'm-not-even-sure-when-it-was-so-long-ago) until then were within a month of publishing.

Does anyone else feel the need to freshen up titles?  How do you pick them?  How do you know when a title is right?


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