Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Hawthorn Witches #2 is now available!

Holy smokes, where did the time go?  I've been so wrapped up in finishing the Redemption series that I nearly forgot about this release date!

Sorcerers & Sumac, Hawthorn Witches Novella #2 went live today.  Thanks to everyone who pre-ordered!  This series is exclusive to Amazon, so anyone with a Kindle Unlimited membership can read it for free.  You can find it here.  Or, if you're looking for the first book in the series, look here.

Happy Reading,

Friday, November 20, 2015

Closing out character plots

Well, I'm about to write a farewell to Delia.  (Hoping "farewell" is ambiguous enough to not give any spoilers.)  Kaylee's ending is drawing near, too.  I don't know why, but her ending was one I thought about a lot from the very start of the series.  Now it's making me misty-eyed, because I'm there.  I had the same thing happen in Waldgrave when Lena finally met Olesia.

I've already closed out plots for a handful of others, and I still have a few more to go.  I'm going to miss the ones that didn't make it through this book, especially.  Book 7 marks my planned conclusion to the Redemption series, but who knows.  Years after completing the Waldgrave series, several fans asked me for more books, so I drew up outlines, but certain characters won't be in them owing to how their story arcs completed.

I'm in the last 10-20k words of this book now.  I only have 5 more chapters outlined that I need to give words to.  When I have the initial draft completed, it will go up for pre-order

With the holidays coming up, I feel like this is a good time of year to be closing this plot out, because I always get a little sad and a little lost for a while when completing a series with no more planned additions.  Seven novels is a lot of words, and a lot of time spent in this quirky universe.  They haven't been fantastically popular, and in fact, some people have told me they outright hated the first book.  That's okay.  Not every book is for every reader.  The series does have some fans, and to them, I am truly grateful.

Happy Reading,