Thursday, May 3, 2012

Paperback Edition, Oh My!

I woke up today to the unpleasant memory that I had made a promise to my grandmother (one of my biggest fans) that I would have the paperback of Secrets of the Guardian out by the end of May.  That means I need to jump on it and have the book formatted and ready to go in the next two weeks, likely, and that means that I will need to drop my other project for a while.

Tonight, I have my niece's birthday, and tomorrow, my sister's graduation.

Other demands are adding up, and I'm no longer sure if Redemption will be ready by the end of June; I may be shifting the timeline on that one to "sometime this summer."  It's looking like it's a long book...unless I decide to split in, in which case it's 2 books.  Either way, I want it to be ready when I put it out for everyone to read.  If it turns out to be a shorter first volume, at least the second book will be available sooner because I will have already edited it.  :)


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