Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Next Waldgrave Book is Done!

Last night I wrote the final chapter in the next Waldgrave novel.  I've blogged about why this has taken me so long before, but suffice it to say that this was a difficult book to complete.  It clocked in at just over 80,000 words and most of the fan favorite characters made a return.

Most of this book takes place on the other side.  Yes, I do have plans to continue the series.  A draft cover is below.

Beta readers, your email will be arriving soon.  :)

Happy Reading,

1 comment:

  1. Just finished Arrival of the Traveler. Enjoyed it, well done! However, "predisposed" and "indisposed" do not mean the same thing, and one's stance is called posture, not poster.
